Melbourne Has Spoken

Melbourne Has Spoken

Melbourne turned out in force last Saturday to protest the “Permanent Pandemic Bill” being rushed through by the Andrews government. The massive crowd was certainly in the tens of thousands, some estimates say 60 to 80 thousand.  More info about the bill...
Tyrants are NOT the problem

Tyrants are NOT the problem

People get extremely triggered by comparisons of what’s happening in Victoria and dictator Dan to Nazi Germany but it’s pretty obvious to those who’ve picked up a history book and look objectively at what is going on, there’s startling similarities. Dan’s enabling...
The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown

The final vote that decides whether or not this bill will become law is just days away. Today, Friday, is a critical day for contacting politicians – Step 4 in our action plan. Please find some time today to make some calls, or send some emails to the...
What’s happened to our country?

What’s happened to our country?

With the media constantly beating us over the head with “All-Covid-All-The-Time,” it is sometimes hard to step back and look at the Australian situation objectively. It would be easy to forget that for most people who are exposed to Covid-19, you’ll...
History Repeating?

History Repeating?

Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution was fundamental in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. It stated: “If public security and order are seriously disturbed or endangered within the German Reich, the President of the Reich may take measures necessary for their...

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